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How To - Find Existing Driver Version

How To - Find Existing Driver Version

How To - Find Existing Driver Version

The current version of a driver can be found using the Device Manager. There are a few different ways to access the Device Manager, but the easiest method is to use the Start Menu to search for it.

  1. Open the Start menu, type “device manager”, and click on the Device Manager icon in the results.
  2. Within the Device Manager window, click the small triangle to the left of a category to expand the list of drivers within that category.
  3. Right click on a specific driver and select “Properties”.
  4. Then click on the Driver tab within the properties window.
  5. The Driver tab will list the Driver Date and the Driver Version number near the top.

Dokumen ID:VID100777
Tanggal Penerbitan Asli:09/07/2017
Last Modified Date:07/10/2020