참고 :이 웹 사이트에는 접근성 시스템이 포함되어 있습니다. Control-F11을 눌러 화면 판독기를 사용하는 시각 장애인에 맞게 웹 사이트를 조정하십시오. Control-F10을 눌러 접근성 메뉴를 엽니 다.

What is a driver

What Is A Driver

What Is A Driver

A driver is what enables a computer’s operating system to communicate with a hardware device. Every computer uses many drivers to control the various installed hardware and devices connected to it, such as a printer or webcam. Without appropriate drivers installed, those devices would not be able to share data with the computer and would not function properly or not function at all.

문서 ID:VID100776
최초 게시 날짜:09/07/2017
최종 수정일:01/02/2025